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Tiga report on funding looks like a very useful resource

TIGA, the UK-based network for developers and digital publishers has this week launched a new in-depth report produced with Google, about funding sources for games companies. It’s split into two parts: a developer survey, and a step-by-step guide to accessing the various funding sources.
The first part sheds some light on how the games tax relief has been used, as well as how far UK developers are dependent on external funding:
· 76% of respondents intend to submit at least one project for Games Tax Relief (GTR) in the next year;
· 100% of respondents had used third party funding in the past three years;
· 97% of respondents had used third party funding in the past 12 months;
· 62% of respondents’ costs in the last year had been covered by third party funding; and
· in the past 12 months respondents had claimed back an average of 7.5% of their total costs in R&D tax credits.
The second section runs the gamut from equity investment to crowd funding as well as government assistance, representing a very useful resource for anyone developing a game. While it’s UK-centric, much of the advice would apply elsewhere, particularly as regards crowd funding and equity investment. The report is accessible from Tiga’s website.