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  • Zoya Street
    Announcement: Zoya is leaving Gamesbrief

    I’ve been working at Gamesbrief for four years. Nicholas first hired me in 2011 to help as an assistant, but over the next year, we developed a new set of goals for the site – we hired...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • MOBAs, TV advertising and ethical free-to-play

    Mobile battle arena card game, Heroes Charge, just launched superfan feature “Legendaries”, giving their elite players a unique set of rewards for their time and money spent in-game. They have also launched a mutimillion-dollar TV ad campaign recently –...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • 26% of people who contact customer service are paying users – Matt Fairchild, TinyCo

    This year at GDC Next Matt Fairchild from TinyCo shared some data about community management and user behaviour. The talk includes some important takeaways about how nurture a community on a budget – and why community is...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Who is undervaluing social play?

    New data released by Everyplay suggests that the most lucrative users in mobile gaming are generally male over female, and 35–44 year olds over other age groups. You also see higher spending among players of competitive games...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Subway Surfers has more monthly players than League of Legends, and other new stats

    Deputy Editor Zoya Street has added another round of updates to the spreadsheet stats pages, including some data on player numbers that might surprise you. You’ll find links below to the pages where we gather benchmark data...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Novelty is the key to attention

    In this fantastic talk, Chelsea Howe discusses player engagement and the attention economy. How do you keep players coming back to your game for months on end? She gives a number of practical examples, alongside some design theory...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • “Economy of favours” – in praise of SF’s indie cliques

    “I don’t know a lot of people who went indie because they wanted to do PR” Being an indie game developer means being responsible for much more than just designing a game: you could find yourself having...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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