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Apple’s iPhone gains gaming momentum
Four pieces of data/rumours in the last week have pointed to the iPhone’s emergence as a meaningful gaming platform.
- The Equity Kicker reports that the top-selling technology book last week was Beginning iPhone Development
, ahead of a whole bunch of more widely-applicable publications.
- The emerging rumour that Apple is about to launch a premium AppStore for top games publishers.
- Wired suggests that Apple will make hardware tweaks in its next iteration so the iPhone will rule at gaming.
- A independent developer is raking in $21,000 a day on iPhone and has quit his job to develop full-time.
The iPhone appears to have broken out of the mobile straitjacket and is increasingly seen as a viable (possible a dominant) handheld gaming platform. Expect major publishers to start emphasising iPhone products and independent developers switching to the iPhone. It really does look as if Apple has transformed yet another consumer market.