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  • Announcing our new book series

    Today we’re launching something that might be familiar to some of you, and new to others, plus something brand new. We’re bringing three books to our Kindle store today. Gamers and Makers on the Edge, Freeing Games...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Gamesbrief sale – for one day only!

    As we announced earlier in the week, today we’re holding a one-day pre-Christmas sale on all of GAMESbrief’s books – all discounted to their lowest prices ever. If you’ve been eyeing up a copy of How To...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Cloud Gaming Europe recommended book list

    At the Cloud Gaming Conference Europe this week, a number of speakers recommended books that members of the audience should read. Alfred of Take Two suggested to me that I should make a list on Amazon of...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • No Blog is an Island

    Going through the process of turning over 750 blog posts on GAMESbrief into three volumes of edited thoughts has taught me a lot about the difference between the printed word and the online word. Anyone thinking about...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Review of Gamesbrief Unplugged Vol. 2

    It's safe to say that you can't operate very well in the games industry (successfully, at least) without having something of an acute sense of business about you. Finding the link between a good business strategy and...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Buy GAMESbrief Unplugged Volume 2 for 40% off

    Today I’m publishing the second volume of GAMESbrief Unplugged, on traditional games, transition and the power of free. GAMESbrief Unplugged Volume 2 is available in paperback, hardback (both at an introductory 40% off) or limited edition hardback. So...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Would this make you buy GAMESbrief Unplugged: Volume 2

    Last week, I asked for some advice on the blurb on the back of Volume 2 of GAMESbrief Unplugged. The feedback was universal. Stop being so bloody negative. So here is my next attempt. I like it....

    • Posted 13 years ago
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