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  • Novelty is the key to attention

    In this fantastic talk, Chelsea Howe discusses player engagement and the attention economy. How do you keep players coming back to your game for months on end? She gives a number of practical examples, alongside some design theory...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 0
  • PvP could increase game revenue by 510%

    This post originally took a different form as a longer guest post. However, after publishing we learned that the content was largely taken from a presentation by Kongregate. We’ve changed the post to reflect the source of...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 1
  • A comprehensive list of metrics for free-to-play games

    This is a guest post from Shyamal Dave of Mech Mocha, an independent free-to-play studio based in Ahmedabad, India. A decent number of downloads is a good head-start and a very good reason to throw a boat-party...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 9
  • Call them back – part 2 of Dating Strategies for Player Retention

    A player may have a great first go-round, but then upon returning to the real world, encounters a multitude of distractions ripe for causing your game to slip from their mind. Forget competition from other games, you’re...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • How to ask someone out: part 1 of Dating Strategies for Player Retention

    As with dating, engaging and retaining players early in the lifecycle is absolutely critical for long-term engagement. In fact, “Early Lifecycle Retention” (defined as the number of sessions played in the 3-7 days following a user’s first...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • How many users do you need to test a Facebook app?

    At the Social Games Summit last week, Owen O’Donoghue of Facebook was asked how many users do you need to test your game before you start spending money on marketing it. His answer:

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • DAU/MAU = engagement

    Across the online games world, engagement is a key objective. The more engaged a user is in your game, the more likely they are to spend. If they come back every day, they are more likely to...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 17