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  • Understanding’s production line

    King is an efficient games factory that has learned how to churn out successful online titles that top the Grossing Charts. Zoya Street met Jong Woo, VP of Business Development  to discover the secrets and share them...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Five lessons for a successful indie games business

    The news is of full of stories of app millionaires who went from zero to hero overnight. But the real truth is something quite different. Believing that you can quit your job, invest heavily in your first...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Independent developers need partners, not “publishers”

    This is a guest post from Giordano Contestabile of Tilting Point Media. Will Harbin, CEO of social games developer Kixeye, recently gave a Casual Connect keynote speech with the provocative title of “Self-Publish or Die.” The gist...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • How to Publish a Game
    Describe Your Game Better! Hook More Players! Make More Money!

    When you release a game you need to describe it -- on the App Store, on Facebook, on your own site. Get the description right and you can expect to see a lot more players. Get it...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • What happens in a Gamesbrief masterclass?

    We're running a Gamesbrief Business Masterclass before GDC in San Francisco this March. Nicholas's masterclasses come highly recommended, but because of work on The Curve there has been less time available to run them, so this is...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Gamesbrief sale – for one day only!

    As we announced earlier in the week, today we’re holding a one-day pre-Christmas sale on all of GAMESbrief’s books – all discounted to their lowest prices ever. If you’ve been eyeing up a copy of How To...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Gamesbrief Advent sale this Friday!

    Do you want to get How to Publish a Game for just £25? Well then we have an early Christmas present for you. This Friday we’re running a one-day sale from 00.00 EST (that’s 5am GMT). It’s...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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