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  • Four reasons why Temple Run is dominating the app store

    Temple Run, an “endless-runner” with high production values is the latest free-to-play darling. In an interview with TechCrunch, Imangi studios co-founder Natalia Luckyanova (aside: what a marvellous name for an entrepreneur), gave some useful statistics.

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • The techcrunch guide to freemium

    TechCrunch this morning posted a no-nonsense guide to the different business models in freemium, and some common misconceptions that people have about the way freemium works. It’s aimed more at B2B applications than B2C, but it is...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 2
  • UK games devs, stop bleating that investors won’t invest in games. It’s not them, it’s you

    That was the original title of my post that is currently live on TechCrunch. In it, I argue that, despite a NESTA event last week bemoaning the lack of investment in games companies, there has never been...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • iTunes goes DRM-free at last. Games industry take note.

    TechCrunch reports from the MacWorld keynote that all songs sold via iTunes will be DRM-free by the end of the quarter. Now they point out that all music that you bought before the DRM-free announcement still needs...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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