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  • Subscriptions are not the future, they are the past

    Last month, Strauss Zelnick, CEO of Take Two, said "I've said for years the Holy Grail of our business is to take a packaged goods release and turn it into a subscription model." Zelnick may have been saying...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 11
  • The digital transition–Who is a hero and who is a Zero

    If you’re reading this as it is posted, I should be taking the stage at the London Games Conference to convince 200 gaming industry bigwigs of the companies that I think are going to be winners or...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 19
  • Do you still want to GAMESbrief BLOG posts via EMAIL?

    I’m about to throw the switch on my new email system. It means that I am moving some subscriber lists around, and trying to make sure that only people who want to get GAMESbrief vie email get...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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