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  • Taking your F2P game and making it paid–the story of Jagged Alliance Online

    This is a guest post from Jan Wagner, Managing Director of Cliffhanger Productions. He recently took his F2P game, Jagged Alliance Online, back to being a paid game on Steam and I asked him why. This was...

    • Posted 9 years ago
    • 1
  • Games are not shoes

    This is a guest post by Chris Bateman of game design consultancy International Hobo and the University of Bolton. Earlier this week, Nicholas Lovell argued that the consequence of Steam allowing developers to set their own pricing...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 6
  • Valve has just started the PC games race to zero

    Valve has just announced that developers will now be in charge of their own pricing on Steam. They can run sales, offer discounts and promote their games without talking a Valve representative. This is the beginning of...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 94
  • Steam is beginning to embrace Free-to-play

    Steam is beginning to embrace free-to-play games in what has been a bastion of upfront paid-for games. So it is incredibly pleasing to see a game I have been working on for nearly three years become the second...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • What share does the platform take?

    The GAMESbrief revenue forecasting spreadsheet is aimed at forecasting gross revenues. Many people have asked me to include the cut taken by the platform holder since, in effect, these costs are always taken out.

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 9
  • If you’re going to vary the price of Your game, Shout about it. Loudly.

    In a fascinating interview on stage at the WTIA TechNW, Gabe Newell gave detailed insight into pricing experiments that Valve has run via its Steam digital distribution service.

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Piracy can be beaten by offering a Great Service, says Valve’s Gabe newell

    Gabe Newell of Valve has created one of the most powerful distribution machines in games. His comments on piracy ought to be illuminating. And they are.

    • Posted 13 years ago
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