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  • Trash Goblin is 124% funded, with 24 hours to go!

    I’m so excited that the Kickstarter I’m part of has funded. I’ve recently stepped up from a non-executive role at Spilt Milk to an executive one. I’m still part time (I hate you, long Covid), but I’m...

    • Posted 7 months ago
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  • I’m back, and I’ve launched a Kickstarter!

    I’ve been very quiet at Gamesbrief for a while. As many of you may know, I caught Covid in May 2022, and I have had Long Covid ever since. In January 2023, I was lucky to be...

    • Posted 8 months ago
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  • Dealing with online bullying and public criticism

    Following Phil Fish’s dramatic retreat from online communication, I’ve been reflecting on one particular point that came out of the discussion about his problems. Many people say that ‘trolls’ are an inevitable part of the digital landscape,...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Spilt Milk Studios Development Diary 18: Christmas Roundup

    I thought it’d be nice (and a bit of a reassuring cliché) to do a roundup of the Hard Lines story so far, and take a look at some of the interesting facts and figures that have...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Be Honest, Be Nice: Marketing And PR For Indie Developers

    Andrew Smith of Spilt Milk Studios (and the associated developer diaries on GAMESbrief) has written a great piece on indie PR and marketing on Gamasutra. His summary: Be nice. Market to the platform holder, as well as...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Spilt Milk Studios Development Diary 17: Tale of Tails

    Hello! That’s it for this entry. Had you fooled huh? I’m in a playful mood because I’ve had a haircut. A serious point will be made about this at the end. Promise. I’m just worried you don’t read that...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Spilt Milk Studios Development Diary 16: Long Days

    Delays can be blamed on the busy October/November calendar for anyone in the games business who values going to shows and conferences. Not only was there the Eurogamer Expo a few weeks back, but more have cropped...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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