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  • Pirate raids and Troll attacks – how to manage Intellectual Property risk

    It is a sad fact of doing business in the digital age that developers regularly get embroiled in costly and time-consuming IP disputes, even where they have done absolutely nothing wrong. Despite thorough due diligence, some problems simply...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 4
  • Beating Piracy is about making people *WANT* to Pay

    Robert Florence wrote an interesting piece on piracy on Eurogamer. I think it is broadly right, although some people have commented on his "staggering sense of entitlement". The most useful bit for me was this six stage...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Copyright warnings cost the global economy $896 million a year

    That's right. According to blogger and independent developer Cliff Harris of Positech Studios, who makes a living selling games such as Gratuitous Space Battles and Gratuitous Tank Battles, that's how much the pointless, annoying unskippable copyright warnings...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • CD Projekt and Piracy

    CD Projekt has been in the news of late over its judicious mailshotting of thousands of members of the German public with demands for settlements to the tune of €911.80 for alleged copyright infringement of The Witcher...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Games law, piracy and free

    Last month, I spoke at Osborne Clark’s seminar for inhouse lawyers for the games industry. It was afternoon of legal stuff, together with me talking about piracy and free. Jas Purewal (also known as @gamerlaw on Twitter)...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Piracy can be beaten by offering a Great Service, says Valve’s Gabe newell

    Gabe Newell of Valve has created one of the most powerful distribution machines in games. His comments on piracy ought to be illuminating. And they are.

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Game Theft Affects the Bottom Line

    My first iPhone Game (UFO Invader) was released just one week ago as a $0.99 paid app. It’s also a bit of an experiment so I included an ad at the bottom of the the menu screens...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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