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  • China now generates higher ARPU from its games than the US, South Korea or the UK

    AppAnnie has just released a report on Average Revenue Per User in five major regions (Japan, China, the US, South Korea and the UK). Annoyingly, it doesn’t give actual ARPU numbers. Instead it indexes them to give...

    • Posted 8 years ago
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  • Why Nintendo-DeNA changes everything/nothing, and three pitfalls they’ll need to avoid.

    Today, Nintendo accepted that the world has changed. In a surprise announcement, Nintendo revealed it had negotiated a substantial partnership with DeNA to bring Nintendo IP to smart devices. The companies took equity stakes in each other:...

    • Posted 9 years ago
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  • Support a history of mobile games

    Hey. Zoya here. When I’m not working at Gamesbrief, I’m usually doing historical and critical writing about games, either independently or with magazines like Hyper (Australia) and Comics and Gaming (Canada). I’ve written one book about the Dreamcast,...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Low conversion in free-to-play is a feature, not a bug

    This guest post from Eric Seufert was originally published on his blog Mobile Dev Memo. An article excoriating the supposed plague that is free-to-play made the rounds recently, citing engagement statistics from Swrve’s April report in support of an argument asserting...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • How much does an American spend on mobile games? Less than a Chinese person

    SuperDataResearch has just released some fascinating statistics on conversion rates and ARPPU of mobile games, comparing the behaviour of players in the US and China. Their conclusion might not be what you expect: American has higher conversion...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Game patterns: UI inspiration for mobile games

    Adam Siton got in touch to tell me about his new site, It’s a collection of UI design examples from mobile games that I think you might find useful. His introduction to the project is cross-posted...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Improving Freemium Design: Combat Monsters

    Rubicon has built a pretty good framework for a fun and engaging game. There's a core loop, several different types/classes of characters to fit your play style, hundreds of unique cards, single player campaign and multiplayer. I...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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