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  • Are we predictably irrational about the word free? Or is it the concept?

    Apple has just started an experiment that should be fascinating  for behavioural psychologist Dan Ariely. Ariely is the man behind the popular psychology title, Predictably Irrational. In Chapter 3, he explains at length the powerful drive that...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 13
  • Games are not shoes

    This is a guest post by Chris Bateman of game design consultancy International Hobo and the University of Bolton. Earlier this week, Nicholas Lovell argued that the consequence of Steam allowing developers to set their own pricing...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 6
  • Candy Crush Saga–where free does mean free

    Candy Crush Saga is one of the most successful free-to-play games on the market at the moment. We hear different numbers for how much money it is making, but a run-rate of over $200 million a year...

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 14
  • Why I haven’t bought Frozen Synapse on iPad for £4.99 yet

    Frozen Synapse from Mode 7 Games is by all accounts a great game. It is in my preferred genre (strategy), on my preferred device (iPad). Why haven’t I played it yet? Because it costs £4.99. I’m now...

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 28
  • The app Store shows the race to free

    In June 2010, 71% of the worldwide 100 top grossing apps on the App Store were paid only. Just two years later, that figure is 16%. If we include apps that are paid but also enable in-app purchases...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 1
  • Cloud Gaming Europe recommended book list

    At the Cloud Gaming Conference Europe this week, a number of speakers recommended books that members of the audience should read. Alfred of Take Two suggested to me that I should make a list on Amazon of...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • 59% of the Top Grossing Apps in the whole of 2011 were Free

    I think that the data points about whether free works are becoming very clear. In 2011, across the whole Appstore, 59% of the top grossing apps (not games, but all apps) were free. The charts below show the price...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 12