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  • My tweets from #Noah10

    Noah is fast becoming the must-attend Internet conference in Europe. Set up by former Lehman banker Marco Rodzynyk, it gets very senior executives and venture capital/private equity houses together in the London Hilton. I am sufficiently busy...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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  • Why Facebook won’t charge 30% for payments and leave billions of dollars on the table

    “Pay with Facebook” is coming. It’s already live on Happy Aquarium from Crowdstar. Later this week, it’s coming to Farmville, the most popular application on Facebook with over 70 million monthly players. It’s big news. And most...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Royalty statements, digital downloads and the evilness of publishers

    Too Much Joy have published their royalty statement from Warner Bros. It’s ten pages long,but the summary looks like this: === Summary === Beginning balance: . . . . . . . . . . $395,277.18- Total...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Ten reasons microtransactions are better than subscriptions

    As a developer, making money from games has never been more important. You’re considering (or have already started) making games that you publish yourself. But you’re torn between whether you can make more money from subscriptions or...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Guitar Hero goes all Web 2.0 with new CEO

    Well, that may be a slight exaggeration, but Activision has appointed the former COO of Yahoo to head up the Guitar Hero division. Dan Rosensweig is a heavyweight new media guy, with a key role in creating...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Online game gets banking license

    Surely a sign of things to come – the BBC has reported that Swedish-based MMO, Entropia Universe, has been granted an official banking license. The license means that it can offer full banking services to customers including...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Steam offers in-game transactions for downloadable content

    Steam continues to make massive strides in bringing high-quality downloadable content to the masses. Their latest innovation is the the “arrival of in-game downloadable content”. Purchased through the in-game browser, it allows users to purchase additional content...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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