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  • [Gamesbriefers] Will 2013 be the year of disillusionment for mobile?

    In 2012, both F2P and mobile gaming did amazingly well, until pretty well everyone would admit that they have their upsides and are here to stay. Legions of ex-console developers have dived into mobile. How much of a...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 2
  • [Gamesbriefers] Is it dangerous to focus on whales?

    Teut Weidemann has criticised the way that we present the data, saying: "This suggests whales is everything. But you simply don't tell that 50% of the revenue is done by the rest of the users, no you even...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 5
  • Ten games businesses that are blessed

    Last week, I wrote a post entitled Ten games businesses that are doomed. I got a lot of feedback, much of the “you’re very brave” variety. I had to defend my reasons for posting, and I was...

    • Posted 14 years ago
    • 26