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  • “The platform itself doesn’t have any value” – why games were crucial to GREE’s success

    Zoya Street interviewed Eiji Araki, Vice President of social games at GREE, as part of his research for the book on the history of mobile games that he is currently crowdfunding. In this extract from that interview,...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Support a history of mobile games

    Hey. Zoya here. When I’m not working at Gamesbrief, I’m usually doing historical and critical writing about games, either independently or with magazines like Hyper (Australia) and Comics and Gaming (Canada). I’ve written one book about the Dreamcast,...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 1
  • What kind of a relationship is this?

    Some thoughts on the intersection between game design and marketing from Deputy Editor Zoya Street.  Some relationships are a flash in the pan. I’m not just talking about romances; even a friendship can be a passionate affair...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Some thoughts on ‘snacking’

    This is an extract from Zoya Street’s new book Delay: Paying Attention to Energy Mechanics. You can get it at In March 2006, David Gosen had spent a year as acting CEO of a mobile games...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • The magic of Christmas and the power of prayer

    Deputy Editor Zoya Street looks at some of the ways that Perfect World’s MMO Neverwinter retains and converts I pray every day. Actually, it’s called ‘invocation’, but it’s basically prayer: I offer my body to my goddess,...

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • GAMESbrief expands: a big welcome to Zoya

    I’m delighted to announce that GAMESbrief is getting bigger. I first started the blog in May 2008, and now each month between 20,000 to 30,000 people read the material that I have written on here. At the same...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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