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  • Why Channel 4’s YouTube deal should be an eye-opener for games companies

    Channel 4 has just announced a groundbreaking deal with YouTube. All titles from C4’s 4OD on demand service (the equivalent of BBC’s iPlayer) will be available, at full length, shortly after broadcast. It will also offer 3,000...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • YouTube optimised for PS3 and Wii

    TechCrunch reports that YouTube is launching its video service on PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii (but apparently not in the UK. The blog post referenced by TechCrunch doesn’t appear to be accessible from London). Users can point the...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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  • YouTube in “Sells games via Amazon” non-story

    YouTube announces that it will put a link besides video game trailers that will take users to Amazon where they can buy the game. Well, duh!

    • Posted 16 years ago
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