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  • GAMESbrief readers: come, make the UK videogame tax breaks work

    The British Film Institute has just advertised two vacancies for the glamorously named Certification Analyst (Video Games). What they mean is that they need to two people to assess applications for the soon-to-be-implemented tax breaks for the...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Are tax breaks value for money?

    BBC Radio 4's You and Yours asked the question whether the British film industry was value for money, and wheeled out many speakers in support of the UK film industry. I was asked to explain my concerns...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • The three things I want to ensure a healthy UK games industry

    This is a lightly edited transcript of a talk I gave at the Westminster eForum on the future of games last month. Thank you and obviously well done to TIGA and UKIE for the tax breaks. I’m here...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • TIGA’s RIchard Wilson makes the case for tax breaks

    TIGA, one of the two games industry bodies in the UK, is a vocal supporter of tax breaks. Richard Wilson, CEO of TIGA, was interviewed on Five Live yesterday and gave an excellent high-level introduction into why...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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