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  • Are we predictably irrational about the word free? Or is it the concept?

    Apple has just started an experiment that should be fascinating  for behavioural psychologist Dan Ariely. Ariely is the man behind the popular psychology title, Predictably Irrational. In Chapter 3, he explains at length the powerful drive that...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 13
  • Premium currency pricing trends and tricks

    This is a guest post cross-posted from Wolfgang’s blog All Work All Play   Most free-to-play games on mobile sell some sort of premium currency: gems in Clash of Clans, donuts in Simpsons Tapped Out, gold in...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 4
  • Are you underestimating the value of your virtual goods? #f2ptoolbox

    The F2P toolbox will teach you 54 of the most important and high-impact ideas in modern game design. This is one of them: carry out price tests to see if you’re undercharging for top-tier items. For a...

    • Posted 10 years ago
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  • Activision charging for Pitfall could make sense, But not at 69p

    In response to my post on Activision’s baffling pricing decision for Pitfall yesterday, Will Luton of Mobile Pie tweeted: "You know Pitfall! Has IAP, right? They could Peggle to free whenever. Going free is most powerful when...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Pitfall at £0.69? Is Activision crazy?

    Activision has released its first game from its new Leeds studio today: Pitfall. A remake of a 30 year old classic that bears more than a passing resemblance to Temple Run. Activision priced the game at £0.69...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • What happens when you drop your prices?

    We dropped price on all of our products. Our strategy was to try and create news and attention by coordinating several newsworthy events simultaneously. We issued a press release and personally reached out to a...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • How low-tech could save console gaming

    I can watch a TV show live, in crystal-clear digital HD or, I can stream it from iPlayer when I want. At lower quality. Not bad quality, but I could have better, at the cost...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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