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  • Xbox One: A flawed plan, well executed

    There is a famous (unfortunately apocryphal) psychological experiment involving ten monkeys, a banana and ice cold water. Five of the monkeys were placed in a cage with a banana at the top of some steps in a...

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 69
  • XBLA in Decline, says 2DBoy’s Ron Carmel: a case study for Open over closed

    Ron Carmel, of World of Goo fame, has written an excellent post on the challenges facing XBLA. He believes that the platform peaked in 2010 from the point of view of developers choosing the platform, that Microsoft...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 6
  • Why Apple TV is so dangerous to Sony and Microsoft

    Last week, Dean Takahashi of Venturebeat wrote a post on the threat posed by Apple TV to the existing console manufacturers. He said: “Apple has the premium brand name and the huge momentum of iTunes, an established...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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  • Six companies make over $4 million on XBLA in 2009 reports on a FADE report estimating XBLA sales in 2009. Here’s the top 10. XBLA Estimated Top Titles by Revenue, 2009 (Average Price) Battlefield 1943 (EA Dice) – $12.5 million ($15.00) Castle Crashers (The Behemoth) –...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Murdoch’s plans to cut off Google will increase his revenue

    Rupert Murdoch has taken aim at Google for “stealing his content”. Google has riposted by saying that news content “is not a big part of how we generate revenue”. Observers have argued that Murdoch doesn’t get the...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Unveiling my inner geek: Microsoft Surface meets Dungeons and Dragons

    It’s time to unveil my inner geek. I saw this video and was immediately entranced. I’ve been a pen and paper gamer for years, but haven’t a chance recently. And the strides taken, particularly by Bioware/Black Isle,...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • How many units does a succesful XBLA game sell?

    Some recent and useful statistics (via GamaSutra): RedLynx’s motorcycle game Trial HD has been a great success “Barely a month since its launch, Trials HD has surpassed 300,000 sold units and the sales continue to ride on”...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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