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  • [Gamesbriefers] How should you negotiate a kill clause?

    I recently got an anonymous question about "kill clauses": in particular, publishers and/or IP holders retaining the right not to release a game.

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 1
  • Why do game devs need professional indemnity insurance?

    In the last article, I identified that a good PI policy will provide games developers with cover for claims that arise from allegations of breach of contract. This is a great “headline,” but contractual responsibilities are variable and...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Who sues game developers?

    In this article I wanted to look at the main risks of litigation that Games Developers face. Intellectual property was covered in previous posts (here and here) and if we ignore “generic” claims, such as falling down...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Pirate raids and Troll attacks part 2 – protect your intellectual property

    When it comes to insuring against Intellectual Property (IP) disputes, the standard form of cover for games developers is a Professional Indemnity policy. But how much cover does it provide, and is it the best option for...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Pirate raids and Troll attacks – how to manage Intellectual Property risk

    It is a sad fact of doing business in the digital age that developers regularly get embroiled in costly and time-consuming IP disputes, even where they have done absolutely nothing wrong. Despite thorough due diligence, some problems simply...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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