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  • Krome Studios on the brink?

    GameSpot reports that the largest Australian developer, Krome Studios, is likely to shut down its Adelade studio and put staff at its Brisbourne and Adelaide offices on notice. The company has made a series of redundancies recently...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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  • Spring redundancy roundup – games industry job losses in 2010

    I’ve been flat out all year on consultancy projects (which is great – do contact me via nicholas at if you want to discuss how I can help you with self-publishing or building a long term...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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  • Australian’s largest studio, Krome, lays off staff

    Krome Studios, the largest developer in Australia with over 400 employees has laid off an unspecified number of staff. The redundancies were said to be “necessary as we position Krome for the future”, said CEO Robert Walsh...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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