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  • Why a game jam could be your greatest gift this year

    I remember my first reaction when Nicholas Lovell suggested to me that my studio should run a game jam. As a CEO, my first thoughts were about the lost productivity and the fact that the resulting games...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 1
  • Experiment and Learn: Free-to-play design rule 14

    The games industry is good at experimenting. It is not so good at making sure that when an experiment fails, the company thrives. RealTime Worlds bet $100 million on the belief that it knew exactly what gamers...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 7
  • Have pizzazz, not polish: Free-to-play Design Rule 10

    Pizzazz is not about looking pretty (well, OK, it is). It is not about making the game’s graphic designer think he or she is cool. It’s about rewarding players for doing the things that matter to them...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 12
  • Best of British: game jamming for cross-promotion and community

    In July this year a team of independent developers descended upon Mind Candy's offices in Shoreditch for a 48-hour gamedev lockdown. The jam was a fantastic opportunity for cross-promotion, as well as building a developer community, sharing...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Being Evergreen – The importance of never ending: Free-to-play Design, rule 5

    An evergreen game never reaches the point where the play can’t carry on if they wanted to. A game that is predominantly driven by narrative or by the experience will always be harder to turn into a...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 6
  • Platforms move in mysterious ways

    The prevailing wisdom of the mobile app market is that you'll make way more revenue on iTunes than on Android. The Flurry blog reports as much, stating that developers can expect to make more than 4...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • Complexity in layers: Free-to-play Design, rule 4

    The most successful free-to-play games don’t punish their players. Everyone makes progress, just by turning up. But a dedicated player, who keeps trying to learn and improve, is rewarded with increased complexity. Make sure you build complexity in...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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