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  • Going agile, and stumbling on the way

    Let’s go agile! All the cool companies do it! After 3½ years in development, we submitted our first game, Arrival: Village Kasike, to Apple’s App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. From the start, I was interested...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 7
  • Crunch-free, commute-free, child-friendly: making games the Lady Shotgun way

    Almost a year ago I set up Lady Shotgun, a game dev company with a core objective to have our entire workforce working flexible hours from home. A huge factor behind this rather unconventional approach to development...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 4
  • What does a big Kickstarter project look like in prize form?

    The Banner Saga was certainly not the biggest campaign Kickstarter has ever seen. Double Fine had 80k backers, Wasteland 2 had 60k, Shadowrun had over 30k, not to mention non-games. But unlike these larger, somewhat established developers...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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