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  • Will 3D save the console?

    Real 3D games were on display at E3, with James Cameron’s Avatar from Ubisoft and Blitz showcasing its 3D technology with Invincible Tiger: The Legend of Han Tao. But will it save the console? 3D is becoming...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Want to know which video gaming system is perfect for you?

    Not sure who to give original credit to, but it comes via GameShadow. Unfair? Biased? Let me know what you think in the comments below.

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • PSP2 to lose UMD, build an AppStore?

    Rumours have swirled around the Internet about PSP 2 for a while now, and the latest to weigh in is games designer Dave Perry. His Twitter page reports “I hear Sony FINALLY has the PSP 2. And...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Why the iPhone is changing the games market

    This article originally appeared on The iPhone is changing the games market. But which one? To some it is the saviour of the mobile gaming business, which is struggled for years against consumer apathy, operators who...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • The Onion satirises Sony’s hardware, hits the nail on the head

    Several people have sent me the link to the Onion’s satirical take on Sony’s hardware, titled “Sony’s New Piece of S*** that Doesn’t F***ing Work“. As the title suggests, it’s NSFW, so be warned. This is symptomatic...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • The PC is dead, long live the netbook

    The New York Times reports today on the phenomenon of netbooks, and how it risks destroying the established IT order. Netbooks are ultra-low-cost laptops with small screens, open source software and limited processors. As a result, they...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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  • Intel announces 6,000 job losses

    6,000 jobs are to go at Intel, according to MCV. The redundancies will affect facilities in Malaysia, the Philippines and two in the US (in Oregon and California.) Added to the GameOverZone.

    • Posted 16 years ago
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