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  • What’s the difference between DLC and a virtual good?

    I think there is all the difference in the world between downloadable content and virtual goods, but it appears that many gamers don't agree. For anyone involved in the business of making games (less in the pleasure of...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 4
  • DLC: Value For Money Naysayers Are Looking At It All Wrong

    A comment in this interview with Rebellion’s AvP Director, David Brickley, got me thinking recently about DLC. Largely thanks to the online capabilities of seventh gen consoles it’s a sometimes controversial revenue stream that’s grown fast over...

    • Posted 14 years ago
    • 4
  • DLC – a weapon against trade-ins, even if it’s free

    Doing some research over the weekend, I came across this argument from 2007: “There are publicly-expressed tensions between Epic and Microsoft over the handling of downloadable content for Gears Of War (Microsoft Games Studios wanted to charge...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Call of Duty downloadable content hits 1 million in its opening weekend

    Opening weekends are a staple of Hollywood reporting, and Activision is getting in on the act. The World at War Map for Call of Duty 4 had “more than one million downloads… during its first weekend of...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Steam offers in-game transactions for downloadable content

    Steam continues to make massive strides in bringing high-quality downloadable content to the masses. Their latest innovation is the the “arrival of in-game downloadable content”. Purchased through the in-game browser, it allows users to purchase additional content...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Ambitious Cities XL looks to change the model of gaming

    OK, so that’s perhaps a little grandiose. But Cities XL from publishers Monte Cristo is shaping up to a be a business-model-busting game. At heart, it’s a sim game in the vein of Sim City 4. Take...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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