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  • Who is undervaluing social play?

    New data released by Everyplay suggests that the most lucrative users in mobile gaming are generally male over female, and 35–44 year olds over other age groups. You also see higher spending among players of competitive games...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 0
  • Forza Horizons, IAP and VG247

    VG247 posted a long piece on the IAP on Forza Horizons to ask whether this was a fundamental shift in how single player games are considering microtransactions. I believe so, and said so extensively in the piece....

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 5
  • Is a "Core" user just one who spends a lot?

    Is someone who plays Triple Town, Temple Run and Draw Something and spends $100 a month a casual player? Is someone who downloads Mass Effect for $4.99 from a Steam sale but finds he doesn’t have the...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 8
  • Two ends of the same line: the casual/core war

    There's a war going on. Here's an exclusive report from the field by our correspondent Patrick O'Luanaigh, one time CEO, nDreams Ltd. The skirmishes are increasing in frequency and intensity. The occasional f-bomb has been dropped by both...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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