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  • Pirate Bay judge is member of two copyright advocacy organisations

    The Pirate Bay trial was always going to rumble on for ever, but many people hoped that it would, at least, start creating a clearer understanding of where the law draws the line on copyright protection versus...

    • Posted 15 years ago
    • 1
  • Have Atari and Codemasters gone mad?

    Earlier this week, Codemasters and Atari, among others, launched an unprecedented legal assault on their customers. In a bizarre move, the firms, together with Topware Interactive, Reality Pump and Techland, have appointed Davenport Lyons to serve notice...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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  • Online privacy – Viacom drives a coach and horses through it

    Viacom has just won a pivotal legal battle which may spell the end of anonymity on the web. In a landmark decision, a US judge in a federal court in New York has ruled that Google must...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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