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  • Censorship, IPs’ and Business

    Following the BT/Newbinz decision, an argument about censorship, IP rights and business models broke out on Twitter. The discussion is presented here as a single post, collated with storify. Weighing in on the debate featured here are:...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 16
  • Why Arab revolutions signal the end of copyright

    This post originally appeared in the Digital Content Monetization newsletter and is reproduced by kind permission. You can find further posts under the DCM tag. The revolutions that have rocked the Arab world have been a wake-up...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • If you believe in Internet freedom, you should hate the DDOS attacks in defence of Wikileaks

    I don’t think I have seen a more stupid bunch of freedom fighters. In defence of Wikileaks, an organisation that calls itself have launched Distributed Denial of Service attacks of the basic infrastucture of commerce on...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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  • Why the very structure of the Internet will destroy copyright

    Regular readers of GAMESbrief will know that I think a lot about copyright. Recently, this quote from John Gilmore leaped out at me: “The Net interprets censorship as damage and routes around it.” John is a founder...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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  • No adult games for Aussies: the reasoned perspective

    As runs a report suggesting Michael Atkinson is delaying discussion of legalising 18+ rated games, someone needs to ask: ‘does he have a point?’ A lot has been said over the past few years regarding Australia’s...

    • Posted 15 years ago
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  • Eidos launches Tomb Raider Underworld, gets PR team to massage Metacritic scores

    I blogged earlier in the year about the dangers Eidos was running by launching Tomb Raider Underworld so close to Thanksgiving: the late release date gave no room for slippage and ran the risk that it would...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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  • Do we need more laws to protect minors from video games?

    David Ruffley MP has recently been drawn into a bit of hoohah after a number of papers tied his Parliamentary questions to about how many retailers had been prosecuted for selling 18-rated video games with a report...

    • Posted 16 years ago
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