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  • How to Negotiate a Content License

    Part of the beauty of licensing is that a genuine measure can be taken of the popularity and target demographics of a prospective licensed property – something that cannot be done with a title and characters newly...

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 0
  • Getting Beyond Licensed Content’s Bad Rap

    One way that mobile developers and publishers can get their games noticed and potentially lower their customer acquisition costs is through content licensing, using well-known and recognizable intellectual property – characters, stories and brands from movies, TV,...

    • Posted 11 years ago
    • 0
  • CPA, CAC and Customer Acquisition costs

    The costs of acquiring customers for Facebook, browser and mobile games is soaring. At the same time, virality is ever more elusive as Facebook shuts down spam messages and mobile has still not harnessed the social graph...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 6