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  • What you should learn from HTML5 without using HTML5

    Last week I was at the HTML5 developer's conference. A dark shadow hung over the entire event, and Mark Zuckerberg's words could be heard echoing through every presentation: "our biggest mistake was betting on HTML5." Predictably then, a...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • My F2P Journey: Fallen London

    As I mentioned in my recent post about joining GAMESbrief, my roots are in traditional PC and console gaming – pay your money up front, get your disc in a box, and play it till your heart’s...

    • Posted 12 years ago
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  • CPA, CAC and Customer Acquisition costs

    The costs of acquiring customers for Facebook, browser and mobile games is soaring. At the same time, virality is ever more elusive as Facebook shuts down spam messages and mobile has still not harnessed the social graph...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Gamescom hosts fight for the games market

    The games world is limbering up for its own titanic struggle—a battle of the old versus the new. A battle between the bombast and hype of traditional, high-quality console games and the metrics-led marketing of the new...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • I think Facebook is over

    If Facebook games are an arms race, then Zynga have clearly won it. They have more users than their next nine competitors combined and a lock on cross promotion that can’t be beaten. Only Zynga is able...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • The real numbers behind Bigpoint’s $350 million deal

    Congratulations to Heiko Hubertz, Simon Guild and the rest of the team at Bigpoint. They’ve just sold a majority stake in Bigpoint for $350 million. But if you play Bigpoint’s games, and are hoping for a new raft...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • What does it take to make a successful games company?

    I chaired a very august panel of games industry figures at the inaugural Investec Digital Media Conference last Thursday. The conference brought together leading digital media companies together with a range of investors and was illuminating and...

    • Posted 14 years ago
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