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  • Games Are Stories: The Final Word?

    This is a guest post by freelance narrative designer, Tom Jubert. Nicholas argued recently that ‘games are not stories‘. As much as he’s obviously after a sound-bite the TV chaps will lap up, he justifies a slightly...

    • Posted 12 years ago
    • 7
  • CD Projekt and Piracy

    CD Projekt has been in the news of late over its judicious mailshotting of thousands of members of the German public with demands for settlements to the tune of €911.80 for alleged copyright infringement of The Witcher...

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 0
  • How To Be a Good Freelancer

    This is a guest post by freelance narrative designer, Tom Jubert. Check out his industry blog, Plot is Gameplay’s Bitch, at Sorry for the header. In promotion of his new freelancer database, Nicholas asked me to...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • With Fewer Obstacles to Release and Escalating Audience Demand, is PC Gaming Becoming the Realm of the B-Game?

    This is a guest post by freelance narrative designer, Tom Jubert. Check out his industry blog, Plot is Gameplay’s Bitch, at Sometimes I like to wander around Steam looking for some under-marketed, under-reviewed, under-£5 indie gem....

    • Posted 13 years ago
    • 3
  • Dear Esther: The Mod Community’s Backlash at Premium Pinchbeck

    Dear Esther was an experimental 2008 Half-Life 2 mod which positioned the player as a nigh-on passive entity; a nameless soul exploring a Hebridean island at snail’s pace while semi-randomised letters to ‘Esther’  are syphoned through the...

    • Posted 13 years ago
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  • Why Indie Remains Misunderstood

    The conversation I have with non-industry types more frequently than any other - save for, perhaps, the "Wait, video games have stories?" one - is the "Why do you give a shit about enabling 13 - 30...

    • Posted 14 years ago
    • 1
  • Dissolved Indie Dev Outerlight on Ubisoft vs Risk: “Digital distribution remains the only sane choice for developers.”

    This is a guest post by freelance narrative designer, Tom Jubert. Check out his industry blog, Plot is Gameplay’s Bitch, at Outerlight – the innovative Scottish team behind The Ship and upcoming spiritual sequel Bloody Good...

    • Posted 14 years ago
    • 7