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  • Do you hate the NHS?

    This is an installment in Mark Sorrell’s regular guest post series. See the full series. I just got back from Finland. It was the Pocket Gamer Connects conference in Helsinki and, since Finland is the Graceland of...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 11
  • Value My Time, Don’t Time My Value

    This guest post is part of a regular column contributed by Mark Sorrell. Mobile games have understood the importance of treating people’s time with respect for years now. They load swiftly, get you into the actions quickly...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 3
  • How Hearthstone gets loot

    This is a guest post from Mark Sorrell Hands up who wants an exhaustive and in-depth look at the pricing model employed by Blizzard’s card-battling behemoth, Hearthstone? Yay! I knew you’d be into it! Hold on to...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 5
  • Clone warts: a samurai siege breakdown

    This is a guest post from Mark Sorrell So I’ve been playing a whole bunch of Samurai Siege. Given that the game is designed to be experienced over a period of months, rather than the weeks I’ve...

    • Posted 10 years ago
    • 6
  • Boom beach and the innovator’s dilemma

    There’s no doubt Boom Beach has lots of Clash. But it doesn’t have an Clans. Any at all.

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Five Game Business Trends I Wish Were Happening

    The number of ideas we have no data on because no-one used them exceeds the number of hydrogen molecules in the sun.

    • Posted 11 years ago
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  • Games and WTF? Your guide to putting games in any situation

    As games’ relevance and acceptability grows, so do the number of places they pop up and the range of businesses and institutions that try to take advantage of their unique strengths.

    • Posted 11 years ago
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